Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Chartered Engineers

There was question raised in previous article on BEM and IEM regarding the necessity of registering with BEM and/or IEM if registered with some other body such IChemE, AMechE, SPE, etc. Again as an engineer must realize that they are not really professional engineer if there are chartered respective disciplines.

By right it is a regulatory mandatory with Board of Engineers, Malaysia (BEM) if practicing engineering and wants to be certified as professional engineer. In the mean time, engineers can practice parallel to be certified as chartered respective discipline engineer too.

Currently there is no enforcement yet on registering with BEM in Malaysia but as a preparation for facing new challenge as a develop country we as an engineer need to be qualified not only by degree but also acknowledged by regulatory body such as BEM.

1 comment:

  1. Ya it is true in India as well. Here we have have to be engineer in first place then gain experience and then we have to clear exam to become chartered engineer.

    Chartered Engineer
